About Us

FoundLostX is a comprehensive platform designed to assist users in managing lost and found items seamlessly. With FoundLostX, users can effortlessly upload details of lost or found items, enabling swift identification and retrieval.

Our platform offers a user-friendly interface, allowing individuals to easily navigate through the process of documenting lost or found possessions. Users can provide detailed descriptions, including images, of the items they have lost or found, enhancing the chances of successful recovery.

One of the key features of FoundLostX is its robust search functionality. Utilizing advanced search algorithms, users can efficiently sift through the database to locate items that match their criteria. Whether it's a lost pet, a misplaced electronic device, or a found piece of jewelry, our search capabilities streamline the process of reconnecting owners with their belongings.

FoundLostX prioritizes user privacy and security, ensuring that personal information remains protected throughout the process. Our platform employs state-of-the-art encryption techniques to safeguard user data, providing peace of mind to all participants.

Join FoundLostX today and become part of a community dedicated to reuniting lost items with their rightful owners. Experience the convenience of managing lost and found possessions with ease, all in one centralized platform.


Lost but not forgotten, found with ease. Join FoundLostX and reunite with your belongings effortlessly

Contact Us

Email: infofoundlostx@gmail.com

Address: Str: Brigada, Podujevo

foundlostx, 2024, by waxo